Barca-Milton 97 AFC

Post Archeive

Tuesday 12 December 2006

New Website Launch

Barca-Milton 97 AFC have launched a their new website. This is again a temporary address as the club work their way to having a free standing web address. We are also developing phase 3 of our internet plan, which see's the club upgrade from web easy software to Macromedia dreamweaver 8. This should allow us more freedom when working on phase 3 which will eventually see the club launch a 3rd website in time for the new season.

Monday 4 December 2006

Trials & Race Night

The official dates of the club trials have been set as Thursday the 8th of February and Thursday 15th of February. The venue for the 8th is peffermill astroturf and the trials wil be held at 8:30 with players being asked to arrive about 7:45. The second trial will be held on grass with the location to be confirmed.

The race night will be held at the 226 Club in Portobello and this will be on Saturday 3rd of March. Tickets cost £5 with drinks starting at £1.70. More info on this will follow.