Barca-Milton 97 AFC

Post Archeive

Tuesday 12 December 2006

New Website Launch

Barca-Milton 97 AFC have launched a their new website. This is again a temporary address as the club work their way to having a free standing web address. We are also developing phase 3 of our internet plan, which see's the club upgrade from web easy software to Macromedia dreamweaver 8. This should allow us more freedom when working on phase 3 which will eventually see the club launch a 3rd website in time for the new season.

Monday 4 December 2006

Trials & Race Night

The official dates of the club trials have been set as Thursday the 8th of February and Thursday 15th of February. The venue for the 8th is peffermill astroturf and the trials wil be held at 8:30 with players being asked to arrive about 7:45. The second trial will be held on grass with the location to be confirmed.

The race night will be held at the 226 Club in Portobello and this will be on Saturday 3rd of March. Tickets cost £5 with drinks starting at £1.70. More info on this will follow.

Tuesday 21 November 2006

Exiting times ahead.

The club today entered negotiations with 1 potential sponsor, although this is a step in the right direction, any deal is still a long way off.

In addition to this we are currently looking at a host of different options to launching our NEW website, which is expected to be ready for launch early in 2007.

And Finally the club can announce it has received a kind donation from FC Barcelona. It is a Barcelona club pendant which has been signed by their entire first team squad. This item may be auctioned at the clubs Race night due to take place in January/February next year. Proceeds from this will go towards funding the season ahead.

Wednesday 15 November 2006

Barca Milton 97 AFC

Hi, I'd like to introduce myself and my football team.

My name is Stephen Crawford, I am 26 years old and I am the player/manager of Barca-Milton 97 AFC.

We are in the early stages of setting our 11 a side team up but have been running as a 5 a side team for nearly 10 years. We formed on 4th Feb 1997 as a group of friends from School. We have won many league and cup titles over the last 10 years at the "Power League" in Portobello, Edinburgh.

Our Committee consists of 5 people. Myself, Steven Adams (25) Gary Russell (26) James Gunn (26) and there is still one place to be filled.

We are currently recruiting players to take part in our trials in Feb-March 07 with a view to having a squad of 16-18 players to start training & playing friendlies by Late March, Early April.

We are also looking for a sponsor (If you are interested then email me) for our team, to help fund strips and fee's for joining our association. We also need training equipment and so on.

We will be based at Portobello Pavillion on Milton Road, Edinburgh and will be playing Saturday Amateurs.

Anyway, enough about us for now, but watch this space for future updates.

Thanks for taking time out to visit us.
